MyDentalPlan is fanatic about protecting your privacy



ISO 27001:2013


BSI, the global authority in information security standards has certified that MyDentalPlan Healthcare ensures confidentiality, availability, and integrity of its information assets.

For Customers

YOU MyDentalPlan Healthcare
Own your data Does not sell or share your data with any third party
View your data Follows stringent policies to ensure data isn’t compromised at any step
Access your data Does not send you messages without your permission and sends with an option to opt out any time

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For Healthcare Providers

MyDentalPlan Healthcare ensures,

  • To never reach out to your walk-in patients or send any promotional communication to them. The only way they will receive any promotion from us is when they download our app or use our website independently and give us permission to contact them.
  • That your data has multiple encrypted backups at secure locations across the world for optimum security.
  • To never sell your data and respect your privacy to maintain the sensitivity of your healthcare information.
  • To never mix doctors’ data with patients’ data by using industry-grade firewalls and follow a stringent privacy policy designed to keep providers’ data separate from patients’ data.

Health data – SECURED

At MyDentalPlan Healthcare, data security is the core of every decision we make,

  • We do not have access to your data. Furthermore, we give an unprecedented level of control so that only you can decide who sees what.
  • We use 256-bit encryption and world-class standards to shield your data from unauthorized intrusion.
  • The two-factor authentication helps prevent unauthorized access so that your data is absolutely secure, and no one else can access it except you.
  • We notify you immediately whenever a new device logs into your account, so that you can review the activity and log out if needed.


What is MyDentalPlan Healthcare’s view on data security and privacy?

At MyDentalPlan Healthcare, data security and privacy is one of the foundational pillars of our company and is implemented at the core of every product and service.
Healthcare data is the most sensitive information about you and therefore you must receive appropriate protection. Which is why, MyDentalPlan Healthcare collects or uses any personal or sensitive personal information belonging to you only and after receiving appropriate and clear consent from you. Further, we understand that people change their minds, so no consent is permanent and our systems are built with the flexibility so that any consent given can later be revoked.

What data does MyDentalPlan Healthcare have?

First most, our data is stored with 256 bit encryption. Secondly, we are an ISO27001:2013 certified company. This is the most recognized and stringent information security certification that validates a company's efforts on protecting data and all kinds of information assets.

We have two distinct data sets.

  • When health care providers use our software to store information regarding the patients they are treating, and can include information about the patient, their diagnosis, treatment plan, any clinical notes, communication, etc. All of this is stored on behalf of the provider privately and securely for every provider who uses our software and MyDentalPlan Healthcare cannot access this.
  • When patients directly visit MyDentalPlan Healthcare and use MyDentalPlan Healthcare to store their health history or undertake a healthcare transaction, such as booking an appointment, online consultation, etc. We store all this data on behalf of the patient and this again is stored with 256 bit encryption. Furthermore, any patient who uses our service gives us permission to reach out to them from time to time with marketing and/or other communication which they can opt out of when they choose to.

I am a doctor using your Patient Management Software, what kind of access do you have to my data?

MyDentalPlan Healthcare does not have access to the data stored in the Patient Management Software.

If you don’t have any access to data, how can you send appointment confirmation or feedback collection SMSes to walk-in patients?

We have built a technology that enables YOU to send the SMSes. Therefore, while our system initiates and sends the SMS, they are sent by you explicitly when you allow the system to do so. All of this is done via an automated system with no human involvement or intervention possible.

How does MyDentalPlan distinguish between walk-in patients and patients who come to me by booking via your website or app? For both of them, what data can you access?

Thousands of patients and providers trust us with their data since we take this responsibility extremely seriously and strive to make MyDentalPlan Healthcare the safest place for your health data.

We maintain a very clear distinction between data sets that pertain to users who directly visit (“Online Patients”) and those who visit a clinic (walk-in patients). We have separate infrastructure and firewalls that prevent from accessing any data.

  • Online patients who register with MyDentalPlan Healthcare either via or our app and then call or book an appointment with an affiliated clinic give us the permission to reach out to them with any communication that is relevant to provide services as well as for offering new products or services. However, MyDentalPlan Healthcare does not have any access to patient’s personally identifiable health information.
  • Walk-in patients get to access MyDentalPlan Healthcare’s software and services through the provider only. We do not have access to their information and only the dentist or their staff can input this data into our software. Inputting patient data does not give MyDentalPlan Healthcare the right to reach out to that patient and also, MyDentalPlan Healthcare does not have access to any personally identifiable health information for these patients either.

A walk-in patient received marketing communication from MyDentalPlan Healthcare. How is this possible?

While there is no way this walk-in patient received promotional communication from MyDentalPlan Healthcare, however, the only possibility is that this walk-in patient at your clinic later on independently visited and signed up for any of our services.

My patients have been receiving marketing communication from other healthcare companies after registering at my clinic. Do you sell data?

Never. MyDentalPlan Healthcare does not sell any patient data for both walk-in patients or for online patients with any third party. Furthermore, we also do not allow third parties to market to any user of MyDentalPlan Healthcare through us. We are not responsible for any promotional communications received by patients and recommend that you should ask the patients to immediately report such marketing campaigns to TRAI for necessary action by the regulator.

Have you ever faced a data breach?

Never and MyDentalPlan Healthcare will continue to work very hard to make sure that data stored with us remains secure.

Is my data really safe with MyDentalPlan Healthcare?

Absolutely. MyDentalPlan Healthcare is amongst the safest places for you to store your healthcare information and that of your patients. We have a variety of measures that protect your data, some of which are: Encryption

  • Two factor authentication
  • Access zones
  • Role based profiles
  • Data backup
  • No virus

I have encouraged my patients to go to MyDentalPlan Healthcare and book appointment with me there. Since they are still my patients and not your, can you market to them?

Merely visiting, sending a prescription through our app, etc. is not sufficient to receive marketing messages. Once a patient visits us and register for an account, giving us the permission to market them, only then do we market to them.

What if I find a security vulnerability in any of your applications?

In the unlikely event that you discover a vulnerability, MyDentalPlan Healthcare does have a responsible security disclosure program that prescribes the next course of action. You can report them to us on

Is MyDentalPlan Healthcare compliant with the data security and privacy laws in India?

Of course, MyDentalPlan Healthcare complies with all applicable laws in every country it operates in.